Monday, December 15, 2008

Misery: Day One.

Lover left today for three weeks. Last night went by much too fast and after tears and promises of him contacting me everyday, we finally had to say goodbye.

Today went by so painfully slowly that I felt like screaming. I hear the first three days are the hardest, and once I am over them it will get much easier. But every time I think about him being gone from me for so long with inadequate means of communicating, my stomach starts squirming. I don't know how I'm going to get over these next three weeks.

What's worse is that school is ending this week for winter break. I thought that the break would make it easier, but after not going to school today (closed because of massive snow and ice banks) I realize that being busy will be the best thing for me. Now I only have four days left before I am left alone with my mind for two weeks.

Though there is good news: I am fairly sure I will be getting a job (about time) very soon, withing in the next week even. That being the case, I can work really, really hard the next three weeks, make lots of money and then take Lover out for a nice dinner when he gets back. So, cross your fingers and hope that I get this job, because I will need it.

I was hoping that I could hang out with friends over the break, but of course they all have boyfriends and they would rather spend colds nights with them than with me (I would do the same thing). Looks like that plan isn't going to work.

I can only read so many books before I go crazy, and though I love to read I'm sure that after about a week I will extinguish by ability to see print and I will have to find something else to do. And because all the teachers are being nice, I won't have much work to do, or at least not enough to keep my mind busy.

I am a sad little blob right now, and though on Thursday I predict I will be much better, I can't see that right now.

Help me, Blogger friends! Give me advice, something to do, before I explode with grief. I might just head for the ice cream and romantic Christmas movies if someone doesn't stop me now!!

(Hopefully my next Misery update will be a happy one... like how I won the powerball or how Jorge the Unicorn knitted me a sweater)


Lily W said...

Darling, don't worry,it gets better after a few days. My boyfriend travels for work and stays away two and three weeks like 6 times a year, and the first 3-5 days are awful, but then it gets easier and you actually enjoy the "time off." Also, you'll have lots to talk abut when he comes back. Write lots, it helps. :-)

Madame Belle said...

Hmm... yes... write. He loves letters than anyone I know, so maybe I could write him a cute little letter to give him when he gets back? And I will try and stray away from sad depressing things, like Hallmark movies. Those things are so heart wrenching.

We should have boyfriends-are-away parites. Anytime your boyfriend is away we can celebrate!

Thanks for the advice, love. It will be put to good use.
