Saturday, September 20, 2008

I find that I'm so busy....

I have no time to think! I have not time to form thoughts or opinions other than those that are asked of me at school. Just last month I could read five books in a week, write in depth papers about them and then discuss them with intelligent people, but with the way things are going now I'm lucky if I get five pages in a week! And that's a book of my own choosing, not the ones I'm told to read.

Even on my days off I'm busy, busy, busy working my ass off. And don't even get me started on sick days. Lover got me pretty ill, and I went to school for three days with fevers before deciding to take a day off on Friday... even then it was work! I had to perfectly orchestrate my sick day down to the last minute detail, work 5x as hard Thursday night, wake up early anyways to give my homework that we were getting for in class work and things that were due to Lover and explain to him where they went and then make sure that he had food to eat when it came to lunch time so he wouldn't starve and that he knew how to fix it properly so he didn't poison himself(Thursday I had brought some fixed pasta to school and I put it in a teacher's fridge so he could eat it on Friday).

I have typed so many papers in the last two weeks, I can't even feel the pads of my fingers. What's worse is that every single teacher- ALL OF THEM!- have taken me aside and explained to me that they see something special in me, that they are going to give me harder tests and more work because they want to challenge me. What's more, one of them asked me to challenge him on a weekly basis. To remind him of why he's a teacher I suppose. I try and tell them that I'm not special! I'm just like everyone else... but they won't listen to me.

Poor Lover keeps trying to get me to take a break, but anytime he proposes it, I nearly start to scream, loading onto him my heavy work load. I might explode. Look for it in the news, where ever you might be.

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