Saturday, August 16, 2008

My soul is making connections without my knowing!

Setting: A sunny, bloody fucking hot day in Oregon in my dark living room.

Time: 11:24 AM

Good Friend who we shall call Cindy: I'm leaving! Wish me luck with my douchebag father and his controlling wife! Fun!

Me: Good luck! You can always cal me if you need to be rescued. I have a car. We shall call it Code Rectal Swab.

Cindy: Sounds good. My sister says she wants to date you. [Let me add here that both Cindy and her sister, who will from here on out be called Mary, are positively beautiful creatures. While flattered by the offer, and pleased that I attract hot women, I am in a loving relationship I wouldn't give up for the world.]

Me: Oh? I'm flattered. Why?

Cindy: Because you are a beautiful soul and she thinks you're connected. She says she feels your soul in her.

Me: That's all very romantic. [My lover] never says anything like that to me. ;P [This is all in a text message by the way...]

Cindy: Mary says you should dump him for her. She says she can take [him] any day. She says she knows a backhand sandwich and that she's killed 3 people already.

Me: [He] might win the battle with his insane politeness and understanding nature. You can't fight it. I've tried.

Cindy: Yeah. That would kill Mary.

Well, from there the conversation got very mundane, so I won't bore you with the details. I just thought the situation was rather hilarious so I decided to post it up to see what you all think. Not to mention I would love to hear other people's odd conversations or text messages. Or e-mails. Sometimes I forget those still exist.


Lily W said...

And I thought my cabbies were strange. Grerat post and great blog. Thanks for visiting mine :-)

Lily W said...

great, sorry, lately I'm really bad with typos!